UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION Washington, D.C. 20549 FORM 13F FORM 13F COVER PAGE Report for the Calendar Year or Quarter Ended: December 31, 2006 Check here if Amendment [ ]; Amendment Number: ______ This Amendment (Check only one.): [ ] is a restatement. [ ] adds new holdings entries. INSTITUTIONAL INVESTMENT MANAGER FILING THIS REPORT: Name: Fidelity National Financial, Inc. Address: 601 Riverside Avenue Jacksonville, FL 32204 Form 13F File Number: 28-11785 The institutional investment manager filing this report and the person by whom it is signed hereby represent that the person signing the report is authorized to submit it, that all information contained herein is true, correct and complete, and that it is understood that all required items, statements, schedules, lists, and tables, are considered integral parts of this form. PERSON SIGNING THIS REPORT ON BEHALF OF REPORTING MANAGER: Name: Anthony J. Park Title: Chief Financial Officer (Principal Financial and Accounting Officer) Phone: (904) 854-8100 SIGNATURE, PLACE, AND DATE OF SIGNING: (s) Anthony J. Park Jacksonville, Florida February 20, 2007 - -------------------------------------- [City, State] [Date] [Signature] REPORT TYPE (CHECK ONLY ONE.): [X] 13F HOLDINGS REPORT. (Check here if all holdings of this reporting manager are reported in this report.) [ ] 13F NOTICE. (Check here if no holdings reported are in this report, and all holdings are reported by other reporting manager(s).) [ ] 13F COMBINATION REPORT. (Check here if a portion of the holdings for this reporting manager are reported in this report and a portion are reported by other reporting manager(s).) LIST OF OTHER MANAGERS REPORTING FOR THIS MANAGER: FORM 13F FILE NUMBER NAME
FORM 13F SUMMARY PAGE REPORT SUMMARY: Number of Other Included Managers: 2 Form 13F Information Table Entry Total: 40 Form 13F Information Table Value Total: $207,134 (thousands) LIST OF OTHER INCLUDED MANAGERS: Provide a numbered list of the name(s) and Form 13F file number(s) of all institutional investment managers with respect to which this report is filed, other than the manager filing this report. [If there are no entries in this list, state "NONE" and omit the column headings and list entries.] None.
FORM 13F REPORT NAME OF REPORTING MANAGER: FIDELITY NATIONAL FINANCIAL, INC. VOTING AUTHORITY TITLE OF VALUE SHARES/ SH/ PUT/ INVSTMT OTHER ------------------ NAME OF ISSUER CLASS CUSIP (X1000) PRN AMT PRN CALL DSCRETN MANAGERS SOLE SHARED NONE -------------- ----- ----- ------- ------- --- ---- ------- -------- ---- ------ ---- APPLE COMPUTER INC COMMON 037833-10-0 25,452 300,000 SH DEFINED 1 x WAL-MART STORES INC COMMON 931142-10-3 13,854 300,000 SH DEFINED 1 x JOHNSON & JOHNSON COMMON 478160-10-4 9,903 150,000 SH DEFINED 1 x HALLIBURTON CO. COMMON 406216-10-1 9,641 310,500 SH DEFINED 1 x NTN BUZZTIME INC. COMMON 629410-30-9 9,103 6,644,611 SH DEFINED 1 x BEST BUY CO., INC COMMON 086516-10-1 8,608 175,000 SH DEFINED 1 x BHP BILLITON LTD. COMMON 088606-10-8 7,950 200,000 SH DEFINED 1 x SEASPAN CORP. COMMON Y75638-10-9 7,773 336,200 SH DEFINED 1 x VALERO ENERGY CORP. COMMON 91913Y-10-0 7,674 150,000 SH DEFINED 1 x SANDISK CORP. COMMON 80004C-10-1 7,530 175,000 SH DEFINED 1 x US AIRWAYS GROUP INC. COMMON 90341W-10-8 6,731 125,000 SH DEFINED 1 x CORILLIAN CORP COMMON 218725-10-9 6,471 1,716,500 SH DEFINED 1 x NEW CENTURY FINANCIAL CORP COMMON 6435EV-10-8 6,318 200,000 SH DEFINED 1 x COLEY PHARMACEUTICAL GROUP INC. COMMON 19388P-10-6 5,933 612,322 SH DEFINED 1 x ABRAXAS PATROLEUM CORP. COMMON 003830-10-6 5,818 1,882,800 SH DEFINED 1 x CITIGROUP INC. COMMON 172967-10-1 5,570 100,000 SH DEFINED 1 x KB HOME COMMON 48666K-10-9 5,128 100,000 SH DEFINED 1 x ALCAN INC. COMMON 013716-10-5 4,874 100,000 SH DEFINED 1 x WYNN RESORTS LTD. COMMON 983134-10-7 4,711 50,200 SH DEFINED 1 x NEWMONT MINING CORP COMMON 651639-10-6 4,515 100,000 SH DEFINED 1 x GLACIER BANCORP INC. COMMON 37637Q-10-5 4,451 182,135 SH DEFINED 1 x YAHOO INC. COMMON 984332-10-6 3,831 150,000 SH DEFINED 1 x YRC WORLDWIDE INC. COMMON 984249-10-2 3,773 100,000 SH DEFINED 1 x TELECOM CORP. OF NEW ZEALAND LTD. COMMON 879278-20-8 3,150 117,000 SH DEFINED 1 x MICROSOFT COMMON 594918-10-4 2,986 100,000 SH DEFINED 1 x NABORS INDUSTRIES LTD (BERMUDA) COMMON G6359F-10-3 2,978 100,000 SH DEFINED 1 x TEXAS INSTRUMENTS INC COMMON 882508-10-4 2,880 100,000 SH DEFINED 1 x WEATHERFORD INTL LTD COMMON G95089-10-1 2,817 67,400 SH DEFINED 1 x INTEL CORP COMMON 458140-10-0 2,531 125,000 SH DEFINED 1 x SARA LEE CORP. COMMON 803111-10-3 2,517 147,800 SH DEFINED 1 x COEUR D 'ALENE MINES CORP IDAHO COMMON 192108-10-8 2,475 500,000 SH DEFINED 1 x GOLDCORP INC. COMMON 380956-40-9 2,133 75,000 SH DEFINED 1 x BEA SYSTEMS INC. COMMON 073325-10-2 1,887 150,000 SH DEFINED 1 x NEW YORK COMMUNITY BANCORP INC. COMMON 649445-10-3 1,610 100,000 SH DEFINED 1 x CONTINENTAL AIRLINES INC. COMMON 210795-30-8 1,444 35,000 SH DEFINED 1 x DOCUMENT SECURITY SYSTMES INC. COMMON 25614T-10-1 1,404 126,500 SH DEFINED 1 x NORTHGATE MINERALS CORP. COMMON 666416-10-2 696 200,000 SH DEFINED 1 x UNIVERSAL CORP VA COMMON 913456-10-9 10 200 SH DEFINED 1 x Landamerica Finl Group, Inc. COMMON 514936-10-3 2 37 SH DEFINED 1 x COMCAST CORP NEW COMMON 20030N-10-1 0 1 SH DEFINED 1 x 207,134 16,104,206